Our Services

Explore our range of cybersecurity solutions tailored to protect your affiliate marketing channels.

1. Affiliate Traffic Monitoring & Analysis

Service: Daily or weekly monitoring and analysis of affiliate traffic sources.

Benefit: Early detection of suspicious activities or unethical affiliate behavior.

2. Affiliate Whitelist Program

Service: Implementation of a strict whitelist program for affiliates.

Benefit: Only verified and trusted partners are accepted, minimizing unethical behavior.

3. Script Monitoring & Content Security Policies (CSP)

Service: Implementation of Content Security Policies (CSP) to control and monitor external scripts.

Benefit: Prevents unauthorized scripts that could cause cookie-dropping or malware.

4. Regular Ad Audits

Service: Regular review of ad materials and affiliate traffic sources to ensure they are free from undesirable scripts.

Benefit: Protects the brand from misuse and prevents users from being affected by invisible affiliate links.

5. Affiliate Compliance Policies & Sanctions

Service: Establishing clear guidelines for affiliates, along with a system of sanctions for violations.

Benefit: Affiliates who violate the policies are sanctioned or removed, ensuring long-term transparency.

6. Fraud Detection with Machine Learning

Service: Providing a technological solution for detecting affiliate fraud using our software Affiliguard.

Benefit: Rapid detection and blocking of fraudulent affiliate activities.

7. Industry-wide Security Review

Service: Conducting security reviews in collaboration with industries such as banking, casinos, and competitors.

Benefit: Joint measures enhance protection and prevent large-scale attacks.

8. Weekly Affiliate Activity Reports

Service: Providing detailed weekly reports on affiliate activities, including traffic sources, suspicious activities, and compliance violations.

Benefit: Transparent and regular insights into affiliate performance, allowing businesses to respond early to potential risks.